Fortinet Network Security Partnership Announced
Huffman Engineering, Inc. adds Fortinet Network Security to growing list of partnerships. Huffman Engineering believes strongly in continuing education and professional development to ensure their engineers and technicians are at […]
Ready to Move: Implement Countermeasures/ Document and Train on Safeguards
We’ve taken a look at potential cyber security threats, “Proactive Approach to Cyber-Security Could Avert Disastrous Shutdowns,” establishing a risk assessment within your organization, “Cyber Security: What’s Your Risk Tolerance?” […]
Cyber Security: What’s Your Risk Tolerance?
As you may have read in our first blog in this series, Proactive Approach to Cyber-Security Could Avert Disastrous Shutdowns, cyber security should be at the top of the list […]
Ransomware/Wiper Attack Hits Automation Control System… and the Aftermath
Paying the ransom and allowing the hackers to decrypt the compromised systems was not an option. The only choice was to rebuild each system either from scratch, or hopefully with a backup. We were about to find out how good – or not good – the customer’s backup plan was. Most of the HMI interfaces…
Reduce Your Risk from Cyber Attacks
Computer hackers are coming for everyone and recently have breached industrial and utility’s computer system and encrypted their records. Hackers have gained access to computer systems when an employee clicked […]