Huffman Engineering Joins Flood Recovery Efforts
Historic Spring flooding in the Midwest brought damage to more than personal property.
The Keys to a Successful Major Wastewater Overhaul Project
Huffman Engineering is the single-sourced subcontractor responsible for designing and installing the instrumentation and controls on a section of a major, 22-year, 74-part wastewater improvement project for the City of […]
Huffman Engineering to Share Expertise in Clean Water and Wastewater Technology at Nebraska at AWWA/APWA/NWEA Conference
Huffman Engineering will attend a joint Fall Conference held by the Nebraska chapters of the American Water Works Association, American Public Works Association and the Water Environment Association November 7-9, […]
Huffman Engineering Continues Water Infrastructure Renovation Work for MUD on Minne Lusa Pump Station Improvements
Huffman Engineering continues work with the Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD) to complete renovation projects on aging infrastructure critical to providing safe drinking water to 211,623 customers. MUD is a customer-owned […]
Isolation of Shared Networks
The Huffman Engineering team brought expertise to the project with their understanding of a wide variety of existing equipment, communication protocols, information technologies and operation technologies (IT and OT), network infrastructure, and software applications.
Huffman Engineering to Share Expertise in Clean Water and Wastewater Technology at Colorado Rural Water Association’s 36th Annual Conference and Exhibition
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Huffman Engineering to Share Expertise in Clean Water and Wastewater Technology at Nebraska at AWWA/APWA/NWEA Conference
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